Andy Stagg

[full stack .NET developer]

Sail And Rig Analysis
Measure and analyze sail and rig shapes
Stripe measurement complete
Analysis view of stripe measurement
Mouse hovering over stripe shows measurement overlay
Selecting a stripe measurement allows editing of the points
Stripe measurement complete
Analysis view of stripe measurement
Mouse hovering over stripe shows measurement overlay
Selecting a stripe measurement allows editing of the points

Sail and Rig Analysis is an ongoing project I am developing to measure sail and rig shapes for off the water analysis and comparison. The current industry standard is limited in capabilities and lacks modern data driven features. Utilizing the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and the MVVM architecture was an obvious choice when it came to developing a modern tool to fast track the tedious process of measuring sail and rig shapes.


Given the unique flexibility of WPF and XAML, all of the controls in this application are custom made, including the pan and zoom control which hosts the image to be scanned, and the further custom controls to add and manipulate the measurement points. Via MVVM and data binding, much of the tedious work to update UI elements happens automatically. Once an image has been scanned, the view can be switched to an Analysis view for a graphical representation of the data. Mousing over a measurement line will show the positions of the calculated measurement points, and clicking a measurement turns the line semi-transparent and allows the points to be edited with recalculation done in real time.